Jigsaw Puzzle Perils

The following jigsaw puzzle perils have actually been experienced! 

  • My cat Lisa always "by accident" throws my puzzles off all over the floor!
  • • Yikes....spilled coffee on mine
  • • When my brother was little, he came up and grabbed a huge handful of pieces and threw them everywhere.
  • Cat decided to sleep on mine, the dogs jumped up, cat panicked and scattered it all over the floor and the dogs ate some of the pieces. Sounds like a comedy film doesn't it but I wasn't laughing at the time.
  • My brother used to take a couple of pieces when I was not around and would hide them and then not remember where he put them !!!
  • My worst thing was I was doing a 5,000 piece of the Houses of Parliament in springtime. I had about 250 pieces left to do. Went out and came home to discover my daughter's Chinchillas had escaped and was quite happily sat eating it. Puzzle never got completed It had taken 3 months to do.
  • These stories are making me cringe. LOL  And nobody ever better say 'It's JUST a puzzle' to me.
  • Former boyfriend came over to find me tearing into the vacuum cleaner bag looking for a missing puzzle piece-the last one needed to complete the puzzle. I had already looked through all the garbage cans, etc. After I told him what I was frantically searching for, he nonchalantly walked over to my stereo system, picked up the puzzle piece he had hidden under the turntable and put it in the puzzle. Did you notice I said, "former boyfriend"!
  • Dropped a huge section on the floor
  • I've spilt me coffee a few times
  • Once I thought I was doing Winnie the Pooh and it ended up being 3 ladies with umbrellas LOL
  • 3000 piece jigsaw nearly completed, my son asked when it would be finished, I said soon and then I would clear it off the table, he only heard clear off the table, so he did!!!.. I hadn't the heart to start again.
  • Haven't had any real disasters but I bought a nice puzzle on Ebay years ago and realized that half the pieces were missing. Got my money back.
  • I was walking with a 20x30" foam board with completed 500 piece jigsaw puzzle of horses I intended to keep. I forgot we put the low-level doggie gate up on the room that was getting renovations done. I tried to walk through the gate. I very slowly fell forward, throwing the foam board of puzzle pieces up into the  air as I tried to save it. It rained puzzle pieces and I injured my arm and bruised my legs.....I actually laughed at the time but it also hurt very bad.....I have not redone the puzzle either :( 

Do you have a jigsaw puzzle peril you would like to share here? 

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