There's More to Jigsaw Puzzles Than Pieces


It is possible the sense of accomplishment you may experience upon completion of jigsaw puzzles could encourage a desire for the next and next and next one.

There's More To Jigsaw Puzzles Than Pieces

Take it from someone who knows...

  • Advice about lights, tables, mats, glues
  • Dopamine and benefits to help reduce stress
  • Suggestions for missing pieces
  • No glue method
  • Mathematics of a jigsaw puzzle
  • Brand reviews
  • Buying used puzzles
  • Majority of questions are answered

Here's Top 10 Takeaways from the book but there's plenty more!

1. Lighting is THE number one dilemma whether you are a novice or seasoned puzzler. If you don't have good lighting, the challenge can be increased to unpleasant experiences - even abandonment. You will determine which lights may work best for your puzzle workspace.

2. Space or working areas tend to be challenging for puzzles around 1000 pieces.  Some 500 piece puzzles have large size pieces and are the same size as a 1000 piece puzzle. You will need to plan and prepare an adequate space in case your puzzle takes longer than expected.

3. Look at puzzle boards and tables for ideas. You may be surprised how creative some puzzlers can be. Some have found the spinning table to be most convenient while others, like me, use furniture risers under the table legs so we can stand during our sessions.

4. Ergonomics and other physical situations are common among some puzzler's pains when it comes to puzzling. Sitting for longs spells of time and/or handling puzzle pieces are two main negatives to this particular hobby. To alleviate said situations, we suggest standing on a thick floor mat and or choose puzzles that have over-sized pieces which have been said to make a huge difference for puzzlers with arthritic hands.

5. Cloth mats or foam type boards? Besides the boards and tables mentioned above, there is the flip side of puzzle boards. Compare the pros and cons between the two before purchasing. There's some pretty creative ideas for puzzle boards included too!

6. Dealing with previously loved (used) jigsaw puzzles - the biggest drawback is the 'escapee' or the dreaded missing piece(s).  You may be surprised to know that even brand new sealed puzzles can be missing pieces. Find out what we puzzlers do about that.

7. Don't glue your most favorite puzzle first. Always try to glue a smaller, less liked puzzle first. It's a little tricky to regulate how much glue to use on the puzzle board type. Watch videos or try using a couple of other options mentioned in the book, like the 'No Glue' method or peel and stick paper.

8. Has a jigsaw puzzle business entered your mind? Are you a terrific artist but have no ideas how to put your work to jigsaw puzzles? There are resource ideas there for that.

9. Did you know there are really beautiful wood cut puzzles with cut figurines? Yes, they are known as whimsies. Sometimes whimsies can be found in normal puzzle boards but the wood whimsies tend to be very appealing.

10. A most important reason to buy this book now, rather than later, is to reap the maximum benefits of the 'brain released dopamine', which is said to decrease levels of stress due to the 'meditation-like' focus puzzlers use while having fun puzzling.

Want to know more? The first 8 Topics are available to read below!

  • IF you are curious to know what all the 'hype' about puzzles is you surely will find your answer here.
  • IF you are looking for a new hobby, there's plenty of info covered to help you decide.
  • Do you have some free time coming up due to retirement or other situations that will leave you with space to fill in your daily routine? You will find that while assembling jigsaw puzzles time will escape you.
  • Have you decided you need to find a way to bring your stress levels down?  Ask someone who does puzzles if they escape from their troubles and worries by doing puzzles - chances are pretty good they are going to say yes!

"There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle." - Deepak Chopra

Theres-More-To-Puzzles-BookLinda Richard

I am thrilled to share my passion for jigsaw puzzles with you! Over the last 10 years I have been quite absorbed into the wonderful hobby and I have never tired to see new ones or old ones alike. Puzzles are timeless and the variety that is available these days is incredible. The 'old school' puzzles can be purchased at very low costs if those traditional images interest you. The new and exciting images with the dawn of digital images increases the diversity over and over again.  This book only briefly shares what's out there but will certainly introduce you to know what to expect.


We have collected a massive list of jigsaw puzzles in numerous categories on our Amazon Store link. It's a quick way to browse most current puzzles and/or specific seasons, accessories and themes. Makes for a terrific one-stop jigsaw puzzle gift giving shopping centre. CLICK HERE

About Jigsaw Puzzles: Unveiling the Benefits of Doing Jigsaw Puzzles

A Therapeutic Journey

Jigsaw puzzles have long captivated individuals of all ages, offering not only a fun pastime but also a myriad of benefits for mental well-being. From enhancing cognitive skills to promoting relaxation, the act of piecing together puzzles goes beyond entertainment. In this article, we explore the remarkable benefits of engaging in jigsaw puzzles, shedding light on the positive effects they have on our minds and bodies.

  1. Cognitive Stimulation: Jigsaw puzzles serve as a workout for the brain, stimulating cognitive functions such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and spatial reasoning. As we examine puzzle pieces, analyze patterns, and make connections, our brains become engaged in a captivating mental exercise.
  2. Improved Memory: Engaging in jigsaw puzzles helps enhance short-term memory and reinforce long-term memory. Remembering shapes, colors, and patterns, and recalling their positions throughout the puzzle aids in memory retention and retrieval.
  3. Focus and Concentration: Solving jigsaw puzzles requires sustained focus and concentration. By immersing ourselves in the task at hand, we train our minds to block out distractions, strengthen our attention span, and improve our ability to stay focused on a specific goal.
  4. Stress Relief: Puzzling acts as a therapeutic escape from the stresses of everyday life. As we immerse ourselves in the puzzle-solving process, our minds become engrossed, creating a sense of mindfulness and providing a temporary respite from worries and anxieties.
  5. Boost in Dopamine Levels: Completing a puzzle triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This surge in dopamine creates a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, reinforcing the positive feelings associated with puzzle solving.
  6. Enhanced Fine Motor Skills: Manipulating puzzle pieces and fitting them together requires precise hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Regularly engaging in puzzles can help improve dexterity, agility, and the coordination between our hands and eyes.
  7. Social Interaction: Puzzling can be a social activity that fosters connection and collaboration. Solving puzzles with family or friends encourages communication, teamwork, and shared accomplishment, enhancing social bonds and creating lasting memories.
  8. Patience and Perseverance: Completing a complex puzzle requires patience and perseverance. As we encounter challenges and setbacks, we learn to persist, develop problem-solving strategies, and build resilience—a valuable skillset that extends beyond puzzle-solving.
  9. Mental Relaxation and Mindfulness: The meditative nature of jigsaw puzzles can induce a state of relaxation, promoting mindfulness and reducing stress levels. The repetitive and calming motions of sorting and connecting pieces can have a soothing effect on the mind, allowing for a tranquil escape from daily pressures.
  10. Sense of Achievement: The satisfaction of placing that final puzzle piece and witnessing the complete image provides a profound sense of achievement. This sense of accomplishment boosts self-esteem, instills a sense of pride, and fosters a positive mindset.

By embracing the benefits of jigsaw puzzles, we unlock not only an enjoyable hobby but also a path to mental well-being. Whether you're seeking cognitive stimulation, stress relief, or a moment of mindfulness, engaging in puzzles can enrich your life and provide a therapeutic journey that transcends the puzzle board. So gather your puzzles, sharpen your focus, and embark on this fulfilling adventure of piecing together fragments to create something beautiful and whole.

(ChatGPT, personal communication, June 20, 2023)