FREE - Puzzle Hobby Magazine


Easter Puzzle Hobby Magazine - What's Inside

Here's what you will see inside:

  • Jigsaw Puzzle International Convention Update
  • Puzzle Parley's Early Bird Registration April 17 
  • A Jigsaw Puzzle Library 

Features of the Month:

  • Artist - Peggy Davis 
  • Architect, Antonia Sobra
  • Grateful House's New Jigsaw Puzzles
  • USA Jigsaw Puzzle Association


  • List of 250 Jigsaw Puzzle Brands
  • Blogger of the Month
  • Puzzle Reviews for the Month

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Spring Puzzle Hobby Magazine - What's Inside 

Here's what you will see inside:

  • Puzzle Parley Registration
  • Jigsaw Puzzle International Convention
  • Puzzle Pal Choice Awards

Features of the Month:

  • Guinness World Record Puzzle
  • Artist - Shelley Davies 
  • Puzzle Labs


  • World Puzzle Days Statistics
  • Blogger of the Month
  • Puzzle Review of the Month

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Puzzle Hobby Magazine - What's Inside Valentines 2022

Here's what you will see inside:

  • Puzzle Pal Choice Awards 2022
  • Summer Olympics
  • 9 Valentine Puzzle Reviews 

Features of the Month:

  • Mintyfizz Puzzles Puzzle Preneur
  • YouTube(er) Social Media Influencer
  • Joyful Nook Gallery Business
  • Instagram Video Entertainer


  • JPiConvention
  • Puzzle of the Month
  • Artist of the Month

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New Years Puzzle Hobby Magazine - What's Inside

Here's what you will see inside:

  • Puzzle Parley Event
  • Jigsaw Puzzle International Convention
  • What's a Puzzler V.I.P.?

Features of the Month:

  • WerkShoppe Puzzle Company 
  • Artist Greg Giordano 
  • Instagram(er) Digital Content Creator


  • Book of the Month
  • Blogger of the Month
  • Puzzle of the Month

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Christmas Puzzle Hobby Magazine - What's Inside

Here's what you will see inside:

  • 4 'must have' puzzles tools
  • Puzzle Christmas Cookies
  • 36 Christmas Puzzle Reviews 

Features of the Month:

  • JaCaRou Puzzles - One image to successful business Puzzle Preneur
  • Ravensburger 40,320 pieces Disney Memorial Moments, assembly process and display
  • Wentworth Wooden Christmas Puzzle Reviews


  • Book of the Month
  • Puzzle of the Month
  • Artist of the Month

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Fall Puzzle Hobby Magazine - What's Inside 


Here's what you will see inside:

  • Puzzler's Buy/Sell/Swap System
  • Puzzler and Love for Cats
  • Puzzles, Mother, Daughter Bond

Features of the Month:

  • Cobble Hill Puzzle Company - inside the office
  • Ravensburger 32000 Pieces New York City Window, assembly process
  • Dream Puzzler's Retirement


  • Book of the Month
  • Blogger of the Month
  • Puzzle of the Month
  • Artist of the Month

Here's another option to read/view the Puzzle Hobby Magazine


We have collected a massive list of jigsaw puzzles in numerous categories on our Amazon Store link. It's a quick way to browse most current puzzles and/or specific seasons, accessories and themes. Makes for a terrific one-stop jigsaw puzzle gift giving shopping centre. CLICK HERE

Puzzle Hobby Magazine Submissions

Puzzle Hobby has been reviewing jigsaw puzzles for over six years.  Also, during that time, there have been many events created, many new friendships developed and many puzzle activities attended. It was only a matter of time that a magazine would emerge.  In order for Puzzle Hobby's continuing success, your contributions will certainly be appreciated and this is your opportunity to share in something new and special - The Puzzle Hobby Magazine!

How it works...

We want to keep it as simple as possible so we have set up the form below.  After you have read and agree to the copyright-submission-guidelines, you may use the form below to enter your comments/content/review and upload up to four very impressive images.  Our PuzzleHobby Team will review your comments/content/review and may make small changes to present your best review, then we will approve (or adjust IF required) your photos for the website AND the Puzzle Hobby Magazine. 

In return for your submission, we will freely compliment you with the next edition IF you enter your email in the box below. You will be happy to see your Submission/contribution among many other elite jigsaw puzzle stories, articles and submissions in the Puzzle Hobby Magazine.

Submission Guidelines and Agreement for and Magazine

Your submission to this site must be original and created by you (not copied), in good taste, legal, accurate and true, non-defamatory, non-threatening, non-confidential, non-infringing of copyrights owned by others and relevant for this site.

Please do not enter HTML (it will be converted to text) or ALL CAPS (they will be converted to lower case).
Unless the invitation for submissions on this web page specifically states, permits, or requests otherwise, your submission should be non-commercial/non-promotional in nature and should not contain commercial web addresses, e-mail addresses or phone numbers.

IF you would like to use commercial/promotional content, please state that in your submission along with your email in the form below and we will contact you in a timely manner. reserves the right to reject your submission, or to edit/delete any parts of it that violate this Agreement, including the right to ban violators from submitting again. may also edit to improve clarity (e.g., typos).

"I certify that I have the right to submit the text and photo(s) that I am submitting. My submission signifies agreement to the above and that I agree to grant to an exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable, transferable, perpetual license to publicly display my submission on and the Puzzle Hobby Magazine.  Submission of photo(s) or other image(s) is on a non-exclusive basis. I grant the right to pursue anyone who copies my submission.

Christmas Puzzle Video Submissions

Add details such as Title, Brand, Size, Number of Pieces, Artist and Christmas/Family Greetings are optional.

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  •  submission guidelines.

(You can preview and edit on the next page)

Puzzle Hobby Magazine Media Rates

*Note: These rates are subject to change without notice.

Specifications, Terms and Conditions, Rates:

Trim size for Puzzle Hobby Magazine is 8-1/2" x 11" 

  • $5.00 for full-page ads
  • $3.00 for half-page
  • $2.00 for 1/4 or less

Amount is due the same date as space reservations.

Online Advertising instructions:

Contact us by email or use the form below for instructions on how to proceed with advertising placement and payment via Paypal or direct deposit email.

During our contact we will determine the available 'advertising space' for your AD, how much correspondence copy to be set in your AD(s) and your photos/images.


Please identify your content/photo(s) file with your name in the file extension and which magazine issue for placing your AD.

Contract and Copy Regulations

Advertiser (you) is responsible for supplying appropriate artwork by the Material Due date. All advertising is subject to the publisher's (us) approval. The publisher reserves the right and has the sole discretion to reject any advertising. Acceptance of an advertisement does not imply an endorsement by PuzzleHobby.  Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisement placements.

Our terms are online prepaid invoices 14 days before publication and a digital copy of the magazine are sent at the time of publication. 

Circulation ONLINE includes but not limited to;

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