Isabel Gaete Jigsaw Puzzle Hobbyist

I feel pretty lucky with finding this story I get to share with you today. During one of my jigsaw puzzle 'surf the net' sprees, my eyes caught these images on the wall.

With a few clicks I found myself chatting with our own Jigsaw Puzzle Connections Group member Isabel Gaete.

I connected with her in the Chat message box and she told me she is from Santiago de Chile, South America. Being single and without children, this young lady of 40 has been doing puzzles since the year 2001. She has assemble approximately 130 puzzles which many have been used as birthday or wedding gifts.

BUT! Luckily for us ~ displayed on her walls are approximately 45 jigsaw puzzles which she enjoys looking at in her daily living areas. I think you will agree with me when I say "Here's where pictures are worth more than thousands of words".

Isabel Gaete is a Civil Industrial Engineer and has worked in different public institutions. But what is really exciting too, is that now, she is an entrepreneur working with projects which are associated with the jigsaw puzzle hobby.

This is really exciting for us jigsaw puzzle hobbyists as she will be sharing her projects with us as soon as details are available.

Very exciting indeed!!!! More to come.....

To see more about Isabel Gaete you can visit her Facebook Page;

Thank you so much for sharing your story Isabel Gaete.