The Shmuzzle Puzzle   

Ok so this is pretty wild!  The Shmuzzle Puzzle.

I actually found the Bryce Canyon for my collection but I might not likely get it done. I have seen videos of puzzlers actually doing it so I have seen them completed. 

I've discovered that it's a puzzle with 168 identically shaped pieces. If you search for them on the internet you will see there are a lot of different images for them.

Read the following about what they are saying  their website......

Brand: The Shmuzzle Puzzle

Title: Bryce Canyon

Pieces: 168

Size: 13.75" x 13.75"

The original early 1980's

Brand: Sure-Lox

Title: Tee It Up

Pieces: 168

Size: 13.75" x 13.75"

The 2003 version

"The SHMUZZLE™ Puzzle has pieces of ONE shape that fit together TRILLIONS of ways only ONE of which is correct."

Hmmmmm....bring it on ......the challenge I mean.  How difficult can it be? I am always looking for the most unique types of puzzles.

I recently scored the 2003 Tee It Up  "The Shmuzzle Puzzle" for only $1.00 Canadian at a local Thrift Store and knew instantly that I had to have it.

It doesn't matter if I ever complete it, it's just owning this unique idea for a puzzle that appeals to me the most. Maybe it's another reason to talk more about puzzles ( hahahahh) who knows......but I love it!

Now I have questions for you.....

  1. Is this considered to be the most difficult puzzle in the world?
  2. Have you ever done one of these puzzles before?
  3. Would you ever try this puzzle?
  4. If you have one, how long did it take you to complete it?
  5. Is this the only puzzle of this type or are there other variations?

Here is the  link for The Shmuzzle Puzzle. Take some time to read the History and making of the puzzle. It appears that I have purchased one of the originals from back in 1980 and 1981 before the revised versions came out in 2003 - so I feel special now :)

It comes in a nice cardboard "slip record, LP, Album" type case with all the pieces in place. You will see from this LINK more details about the puzzle and how it builds more than just a puzzle. It truly is a unique puzzle for a jigsaw puzzle hobbyist.

You may like these Shmuzzle Puzzles ......

CAN OF WORMS The Shmuzzle Puzzle 168 identically shaped pieces
GOLD COINS The Shmuzzle Puzzle 168 identically shaped pieces
Bryce Canyon The Scmuzzle Puzzle by Shmuzzles SP-112


We have collected a massive list of jigsaw puzzles in numerous categories on our Amazon Store link. It's a quick way to browse most current puzzles and/or specific seasons, accessories and themes. Makes for a terrific one-stop jigsaw puzzle gift giving shopping centre. CLICK HERE

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