Used Jigsaw Puzzles

Where can you buy used jigsaw puzzles for very low prices?

Here are some ideas that won't break your budget and some even lower than a price of coffee.

Be aware and expect there could be missing pieces when buying used jigsaw puzzles.


Search Online

  1. eBay - search used jigsaw puzzles
  2. Amazon - search used jigsaw puzzles
  3. Facebook Groups or Pages  
  4. Facebook Personal Pages
  5. Facebook Swap Exchanges Pages
  6. Online "Craigs List" 
  7. Online "kijiji"

Shop Brick/Mortar Stores

  1. Local Thrift Stores
  2. Local Charity stores
  3. Local Garage Sales
  4. Local Carboot Sales
  5. Local newspaper classified ADs
  6. Local AD websites "Craigs List" "Kijiji"
  7. Family, Friends, neighborhood swap
  8. Antique Market/stores

10 Tips on buying used jigsaw puzzles...

  • Online Stores like eBay and Amazon - be sure to shop around. Some prices are outrageous. Also if it is a "Bid" puzzle purchase then wait till right near the end to place your 'bid' then you know for sure IF you want to pay that price.
  • When buying online, be mindful where you live. What is the shipping costs? Is there import fees at borders? Does your credit card charge extra fees for converting foreign exchange currency?
  •  For Amazon, know the difference between a company that sells through Amazon or a private individual who is selling their used puzzles - they do not qualify for Amazon free shipping and may take much longer to deliver and requires additional fees
  • Learn how the refund policies and disputes works for major online stores. Timing policies for a refund are tricky.
  • For private sellers on Facebook or Swap Facebook 'Pages' - be sure to discuss a refund with the Seller before purchasing in case the parcel gets lost or stolen or delivered to the wrong address (it happens!) 
  • Local Thrift Stores and Charity shops often have 50% off sales - ask about it. Or if you are Senior, check to see if the Shops offer a senior discount and on which day.
  • For local ADs like Craigs List or kijiji also check local online newspapers in the Classified ADs section
  • Check local Antique Market and/or Stores
  • Don't forget your own family members or friends who may have some puzzle tucked away they received for gifts and will never do them
  • Also, finding a neighborhood garage sale could turn into a neighborhood 'swap puzzles pal'

SAMPLES of previously loved purchase below.


We have collected a massive list of jigsaw puzzles in numerous categories on our Amazon Store link. It's a quick way to browse most current puzzles and/or specific seasons, accessories and themes. Makes for a terrific one-stop jigsaw puzzle gift giving shopping centre. CLICK HERE

Samples of used jigsaw puzzles

The following shares some excellent deals of from Thrift Stores. The Heye 2000 pieces Elephants is still sealed. Click on the 'gold' text to see the price on Amazon.

If I purchased these NEW on Amazon they would be well over $150.00 plus currency exchange, plus shipping. I paid $10.50 minus 10% Senior discount....sometimes it's just worth it to purchase previously-loved, used jigsaw puzzles. However the jigsaw puzzle companies may not think so ;) ....

About: Safe Online Shopping, Protecting Yourself from Scams

Online shopping has become increasingly popular, offering convenience and a vast array of products at your fingertips. However, it's important to stay vigilant and protect yourself from potential scams and fraudulent activities. In this article, we'll provide you with essential tips and insights on how to shop safely online and spot potential scams.

1. Shop from Reputable Websites

Stick to well-known and trusted online retailers. Look for websites with secure connections (https://) and familiar payment gateways. Be cautious when dealing with unfamiliar websites or sellers, especially if their prices seem too good to be true.

2. Protect Your Personal Information

Never share sensitive personal information, such as your Social Security number or full address, unless it's necessary for a legitimate purchase. Legitimate online retailers will only require essential details like your name, shipping address, and payment information.

3. Secure Payment Methods

Opt for secure payment methods, such as credit cards or trusted payment platforms like PayPal. These methods offer additional protection and can help you dispute charges if necessary. Avoid using direct bank transfers or wiring money to unknown sellers.

4. Read Customer Reviews

Before making a purchase, take the time to read customer reviews and ratings. Genuine feedback from other shoppers can provide insights into the product's quality, customer service, and the reliability of the seller.

5. Verify Seller Authenticity

If you're purchasing from a third-party seller on a marketplace, verify their authenticity. Look for seller ratings, reviews, and their track record on the platform. Be cautious of sellers with limited information or negative feedback.

6. Be Wary of Suspicious Emails and Links

Beware of phishing attempts through emails or messages that appear to be from trusted retailers. Scammers often try to trick users into clicking on malicious links or providing personal information. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from unknown sources.

7. Look for Secure Checkout Processes

Ensure that the checkout process is secure and encrypted. Look for security seals or logos indicating the website's commitment to protecting your information. A lock symbol in the address bar is also an indication of a secure connection.

8. Use Strong and Unique Passwords

Create strong and unique passwords for your online accounts. Avoid using easily guessable information and consider using a password manager to securely store your login credentials.

9. Keep Your Devices and Software Updated

Regularly update your devices, operating systems, and antivirus software to protect against the latest security threats. Enable automatic updates whenever possible to ensure you have the latest security patches.

10. Trust Your Instincts

If a deal seems too good to be true or if something feels off, trust your instincts. Exercise caution and refrain from proceeding with the purchase if you have doubts about the seller or the website's authenticity.

Recognizing Potential Scams: Warning Signs

While shopping online, it's crucial to be aware of common signs of scams:

  • Unusually low prices: Be skeptical of deals that are significantly cheaper than the market average.
  • Poor website design: Scammers may create poorly designed websites with grammatical errors and low-quality images.
  • Unsolicited communications: Beware of unsolicited emails, calls, or messages asking for personal information or payment details.
  • Limited payment options: Scammers often prefer less secure payment methods or ask for wire transfers.
  • Lack of contact information: Legitimate sellers provide clear contact information, including customer support channels.
  • No return policy or warranty: Reputable sellers usually offer return policies and warranties for their products.

Stay Safe and Shop with Confidence

By following these tips and remaining vigilant, you can shop online with confidence. Remember to research the seller, read reviews, protect your personal information, and use secure payment methods. By prioritizing your online safety, you can enjoy the convenience and wide selection offered by online shopping while minimizing the risks of falling victim to scams. Happy and secure online shopping!

(ChatGPT, personal communication, June 20, 2023)