Jigsaw Puzzle Social Media Influencers List

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Be sure to add as much information and links as possible. This Listing is available to jigsaw puzzle Companies who may be seeking to give you an opportunity to review their products.

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Jigsaw puzzle social media influencer showcasing puzzle collection on Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest

Blogs - Facebook Pages - Facebook Groups - Instagram - Youtube -
TikTok - Twitter - Pinterest - Artists - Buy/Sell/Trade - Retailers


Jigsaw Puzzle Hobby (Magazine)


Rose Khan

Jigsaw Puzzle...more to come


Grateful House Jigsaw Puzzles

JaCaRou Jigsaw Puzzles

Puzzle Canopy

Jigsaw Puzzle...more to come


Jigsaw Puzzle Hobby


Karen Puzzles

Jigsaw Puzzle...more coming soon




Chris Ramsay (all puzzle types)

Jigsaw Puzzle...more coming soon




Jigsaw Puzzles...more to come



Erica Seng Drake

Jigsaw Puzzles...more to come


Jigsaw Puzzle Hobby

Serious Puzzle

Jigsaw Puzzles...more to come



Anatolian Puzzles

Jigsaw Puzzles...more to come


Jigsaw Puzzle Hobby

WerkShoppe Puzzles

Jigsaw Puzzles...more to come


Diane Dempsey Artist

Puzzle Warehouse Pinterest

Jigsaw Puzzles...more to come


A Puzzle Community

Jigsaw Puzzles...more to come


Jigsaw Puzzle

Jigsaw Puzzles...more to come


Jigsaw Puzzle Buy-Trade-Sell-USA-Canada

Jigsaw Puzzle Exchange Group

Jigsaw Puzzles...more to come


Jigsaw Puzzle Swap Platform

Jigsaw Puzzles...more to come


Puzzle Warehouse

Bits and Pieces Puzzles

Jigsaw Puzzles...more to come


Jigsaw Jungle

Puzzle Gamer

Jigsaw Puzzles...more to come


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 Unraveling the World of Jigsaw Puzzle Social Media Influencers 
How to Become a Trendsetter


In the vast realm of social media, a fascinating niche has emerged – jigsaw puzzle social media influencers. These individuals have cultivated a devoted following by sharing their passion for puzzles and inspiring others in the puzzle-solving community. If you're intrigued by the idea of becoming a jigsaw puzzle social media influencer or are simply curious about this unique corner of the online world, read on to explore the most popular platforms, the prevalence of images versus videos, the collaborations between influencers and puzzle companies, and step-by-step guidance on how to embark on your own journey as a puzzle trendsetter.

Social Media Platforms and Their Influence

When it comes to jigsaw puzzle social media influencers, several platforms have become hotspots for puzzle enthusiasts to connect, share, and inspire. Instagram, with its visually appealing format, has become a hub for puzzle influencers to showcase their puzzle collections, completed masterpieces, and puzzle-solving techniques. The platform's emphasis on images makes it an ideal choice for puzzle enthusiasts to captivate their audience with stunning visuals of puzzles in progress or beautifully arranged puzzle components.

YouTube, on the other hand, allows jigsaw puzzle social media influencers to create video content that offers an immersive experience for their followers. Many influencers utilize YouTube to document their puzzle-solving process, share time-lapse videos of puzzle assembly, provide reviews and recommendations, and engage with their audience through live puzzle-solving sessions or Q&A sessions.

Other social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok also have puzzle communities and influencers, albeit with varying degrees of prominence. These platforms offer opportunities for influencers to connect with diverse audiences, participate in puzzle-related discussions, and showcase their puzzle-related content in unique ways.

Images vs. Videos: The Content Landscape

In the realm of jigsaw puzzle social media influencers, both images and videos hold significant prominence. Instagram, being primarily image-oriented, naturally favors the sharing of puzzle-related visuals. Influencers leverage this platform to showcase their puzzle collections, display completed puzzles, share before-and-after images of challenging puzzles, and collaborate with puzzle brands for sponsored posts.

YouTube, on the other hand, thrives on video content. Puzzle influencers utilize this platform to offer comprehensive puzzle reviews, demonstrate puzzle-solving techniques, host puzzle-related challenges, and engage their audience through live interactions. Video formats enable influencers to provide a more immersive and interactive experience, allowing viewers to witness the puzzle-solving process in real-time.

While images and videos each have their advantages, a successful jigsaw puzzle social media influencer often employs a combination of both mediums to engage their audience effectively. By strategically utilizing images and videos, influencers can provide a holistic puzzle experience that appeals to different preferences and maximizes audience engagement.

Collaborations Between Influencers and Puzzle Companies

The influence of jigsaw puzzle social media influencers extends beyond captivating their audiences; it has also fostered collaborations between influencers and puzzle companies. Recognizing the influencers' ability to reach a dedicated and engaged fan base, puzzle companies have seized the opportunity to collaborate with influencers to promote their products, gain exposure, and tap into the influencers' expertise.

These collaborations often take the form of sponsored content, where influencers receive puzzles from the companies to feature in their posts or videos. In return, influencers provide honest reviews, showcase the puzzle in their unique style, and create buzz around the brand's offerings. Such partnerships benefit both the influencers, who receive puzzle supplies and potentially financial compensation, and the puzzle companies, who gain exposure to the influencers' followers and the wider puzzle community.

The collaborations between influencers and puzzle companies have resulted in mutually beneficial relationships, driving innovation and fostering a sense of community within the puzzle industry. Influencers play a pivotal role in introducing new puzzle releases, sharing insights about puzzle quality and design, and helping puzzle companies stay connected with their target audience.

Becoming a Jigsaw Puzzle Social Media Influencer: Steps to Success

Embarking on a journey as a jigsaw puzzle social media influencer requires passion, creativity, and dedication. Here are some essential steps to help you establish yourself as a puzzle trendsetter:

  1. Develop your puzzle expertise: Invest time in exploring different puzzle themes, brands, and difficulty levels. Hone your puzzle-solving skills, expand your puzzle collection, and familiarize yourself with the puzzle community's preferences and trends.
  2. Choose your preferred platform(s): Select the social media platforms that align with your content style and target audience. Consider platforms like Instagram, YouTube, or others that cater to your content format and engagement goals.
  3. Create compelling and unique content: Develop a content strategy that showcases your puzzle journey authentically. Experiment with different types of posts, such as showcasing your puzzle collection, providing puzzle-solving tips, sharing time-lapse videos of puzzles in progress, or hosting puzzle-related discussions.
  4. Engage with the puzzle community: Actively participate in discussions, engage with fellow puzzle enthusiasts, and support other puzzle influencers. This fosters a sense of community, establishes connections, and helps you gain visibility within the puzzle community.
  5. Collaborate with puzzle companies: Reach out to puzzle brands and express your interest in collaborating. Offer unique content ideas or propose partnerships that align with your audience's interests. Collaborations can range from sponsored posts to puzzle reviews, giveaways, or hosting puzzle-related challenges.
  6. Consistency and authenticity: Maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged. Be authentic and share your personal experiences, insights, and challenges related to puzzles. This builds trust and connection with your followers.

Creative Ideas for Puzzle Influencer Content

As a jigsaw puzzle social media influencer, creativity is key to capturing your audience's attention. Here are some innovative content ideas to try:

  1. Time-lapse challenge: Complete a challenging puzzle within a specific time frame, recording the process and sharing it as a time-lapse video.
  2. Puzzle hacks and tips: Share your expertise by providing puzzle-solving tips, organization hacks, or techniques to tackle complex puzzles.
  3. Collaborative puzzle projects: Partner with other influencers or your followers to work on a puzzle collectively, showcasing the progress and final masterpiece.
  4. Puzzle-themed giveaways: Organize giveaways where your audience can participate by solving puzzles or sharing their favorite puzzle-related stories.
  5. Puzzle recommendations: Curate themed puzzle recommendations, such as "Puzzles for Book Lovers" or "Puzzles that Feature Animals," to cater to specific interests.
  6. Puzzle challenges and competitions: Host puzzle challenges or competitions that encourage your audience to participate and showcase their puzzle-solving skills.


The world of jigsaw puzzle social media influencers has grown into a vibrant community, connecting puzzle enthusiasts worldwide. With popular platforms like Instagram and YouTube leading the way, these influencers captivate their followers with engaging content, collaborate with puzzle companies, and shape trends within the puzzle industry.

If you aspire to become a jigsaw puzzle social media influencer, remember to develop your expertise, choose the right platform, create compelling content, engage with the puzzle community, collaborate with puzzle companies, and stay consistent and authentic. Embrace creativity, try innovative ideas, and embark on a journey that allows you to share your passion for puzzles and inspire others in the puzzle-solving realm.

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